Great books for 4-10 years olds - If you like Pippi Longstocking, you'll love ...

…sharing this series with your kids. The Children of Noisy Village Series by none other than Astrid Lindgren. Simple and enjoyable for all. How I would have enjoyed meeting Astrid - what a great writer and creative spirit.

The mischief these "Noisy Children" get up to is so innocent and enjoyable to me and since I am interested in finding activities/resources that parent and children enjoy equally this book is a keeper. We have read it over and over again over the last years with equal pleasure and I have told them by heart as well. I recently went through my books and got rid of a bunch but these ones survived the de-clutter cut yet again.

They are a compilation of little episodes from their lives that leave us smiling/shaking our heads by the end of it. You can open it to any chapter and just read but usually at first wit these books we went in order.

Astrid Lindgren has also written some books for older children (8-10) - Mio my Son, Ronia the Robbers Daughter and Brother's Lionheart were absolute favourites of my son.  I read them to him and did gloss over some descriptions in Ronia that I felt weren't age appropriate for him at the time but the storyline was so good and as I write I am reliving some vivid memories of a few of the empowering moments of this particular story - Ronia is so cool! Brother's Lionheart is beautiful and exciting - many unexpected twists as with Mio my Son.

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