Mama Wellness Essentials #6 - Essential Oils
Our olfactory system is so tied to our nervous system and memories. We all know that scents can have a profound effect on our mood - freshly baked bread, vanilla, ocean, puppies, coconut oil suntan lotion …. we all have our favourites that truly can align our nervous system to peace and bring us to our happy place very quickly. They are powerful.
Using essential oils is one of my family's favourite, most welcome ways to heal. From burns to warts to leg cramps to supporting emotional balance - there's an oil for everything (!).
Stress and anxiety can often accompany childhood challenges. Staying centered and calm is helpful as we are teaching our children how to deal with challenges by how we navigate stressful moments. I like how the essential oils calm me and allow me to be there more fully with my breath and help me act a little more intentionally and intuitively.
The beautiful smells have my kids automatically breathing deeper and we all know how powerful the breath is at creating a state in the body that is conducive to healing.
Having a diffuser at home is a great daily home health enhancer - cleaning and oxygenating the air and uplifting moods - making grump bumps less sticky!
Peace and Calming as well as Stress Away -are favourites for brain health and emotional regulation as essential oils can calm the limbic system anxiety response
Lavender (good for so much from burns, to restlessness, sleep, cold sores, infections, Lavender is one of those oils where you only need a little bit - less is more!)
Peppermint (headaches, tummy ache and uplifting mood - PS - its emotional property is ‘buoyant joy’)
Pan Away (for leg cramps and tight muscles)
Frankincense (for radiant skin)
Thieves is hands down the favourite blend for immune health and it smells great. I always wear it on flights and get compliments most every time! A great blend for viruses and bacteria. We put it in the diffuser when cold season is around. It brings its immune enhancing properties to the respiratory tract and lungs.
All in all essential oils are a simple, enjoyable way to bring wellness to the body and to nourish your family's nervous system. It's such a welcome medicine for kids and to see and to feel your confidence in supporting them when they are not feeling well, are going through transition or are injured goes beyond anything else. Go mama go!
If there's a particular oil/bend you would like to try, let the office know as we order monthly and often can add your request to our orders. Best sellers are: Thieves(immunity and travel), Peace and Calming(ahhh) and for beautiful skin, Frankincense. Call (403) 609-8385 or e-mail