Nourished Mama Naturopathic Program: 6 weeks
Caring for our health and connecting with ourselves changes who we are with our family and in our life. Our ability to be even just a little more present and resourced ourselves affects EVERYTHING.Our kids especially feel these shifts in our joy and resourcedness. Studies have shown that when kids are asked what they most want family-wise it is that their parents are less stressed and have more energy. That's hard to hear at first but actually it's probably not a big surprise to you - less stress and more energy - most moms I know want that for themselves too! But how to make our good intentions for simplicity, great health and self-care a reality while being a mom, working, etc.? It can just end up being another thing we beat ourselves up about.
Mama, this program is for you if you are ready to prioritize you and get support for this. I know that when I take care of myself/get the support I need that I am a different mother and I bet you are too. I am more patient, intuitive, centered, creative, fun loving, kinder (to myself too) and can take the higher road when things throw me off. Being intentional about this is why I created this course as we can all benefit from reset and reflection.
Is this Program for me?
If you've noticed that:
- you are less patient than you would like to be with your children/spouse
- catch yourself feeling resentful about what you need to do around the house
- your PMS/other hormonal health symptoms seem to be increasing
- you are just plain more pooped and less inspired than you'd like to be
Come join us as these are signs that your tank is empty .
You are not alone in this mama. Most of us grew up in a paradigm where everyone else's needs came before mom's needs and it's so easy when our lives are full and lack reflection to fall into that habitual pattern ... even though we know we can only give what we have. Truth is, everyone benefits when you take steps to fill your tank back up and put your well-being up there. We will be working from a growth mindset (vs complaining/victim mindset) and getting to the root causes of common reasons why our health suffers as moms. In our explorations we will be bringing artistic fun into this mix as joy and curiosity are keys to coming home to our hearts and ourselves. In addition to the list below we'll be learning simple activities and mindfulness practices that drop us out of our heads and into our hearts where we can deepen our own nurturing of self ... xo
PS - this program is especially recommended if you are are a stay at home mom or you are running or starting up your own business (if this is you you know why). Moms who value simplicity, playfulness, peace, beauty and connection will find home in this group.
PPS - For women the power of a supported group of like-minded women is a massive health promoter in itself and may be part of the piece that has been missing for you.
Cost for this Naturopathic Nourished Mama Program is $297 * parts of it may be claimed under naturopathic insurance coverage
Included in the Program
- 6, weekly group sessions Wednesdays 10:30 am - noon at the Mountain Pod Yoga Studio in Canmore on Bow Valley Trail beside Enlightened Organizing
- Key Nutrition Suggestions to Support Adrenals, Liver and Digestive Health. All of these systems effect our ability to deal with stress, feel our best and have the energy it takes for creating positive change in our lives.
- Private Facebook Group for Support
- Access to Yoga Nidra Recordings for Home Use: 1. Accessing Intuition in Making Decisions, 2. Feeling Centered and Grounded and 3. One You Can to Do With Your Kids to Help Them Let Go of Accumulated Stress
- One 1-on-1 Naturopathic Simplicity Coaching Session with Dr. Monika (value $165) to compliment the group sessions (phone/in office). This can be used as needed for added individual support to help you integrate the shift you are wanting in your health, parenting, relationships or home life.
- During the program participants will be able to purchase naturopathic health products from the clinic at 25 % off. This includes immune basics (i.e. oils, high quality vitamin D and probiotics) for your children as I know how sickness and being up in the night with an ill child can throw a wrench into things and that prevention is the best medicine. It also includes my favourite adrenal formulas that increase energy and decrease the impact of stress on body and mind for moms.
Dates of Next Program:
Wednesdays - 10:30 - noon, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, June 6
Some Things You'll Walk Away With ...
- Increased Inner Strength and Sense of Calm from the weekly Mindfulness practices (including acupuncture with yoga nidra session, yoga and the arts!)
- Morning Ritual To Increase The Time You Spend During Your Days Feeling Like You Are Thriving (vs Surviving)
- Knowing What is Most Important to You in This Season of Your Life
- Knowing The Signs That a Boundary Has Been Stepped Over and Super Simple Empowering Ways (that no one taught us) to Set Healthy Boundaries and Reclaim Your Energy and Power
- Your List of Your Non-negotiable Self-Care Practices
- Mindfulness Tool to Develop Your Capacity to Be With Conflict/Upset in Your Home Without Losing it (Yelling, Shutting Down, Shame/Blaming)
- Tried and True Process to Identify and Transform A Limiting Belief That Has Had You Making Decisions That Aren't In Line With You
- Adrenal Specific Nutrition Basics to Support Energy, Mood and Reduce Sugar Cravings
- Identifying Energy Drainers and A Way To Plug Up Those Energy Leaks
- And a couple more surprises to support you at home and life ... nourished mama: nourished home ... (-:
$297 includes coaching, acupuncture with yoga nidra, art supplies, private facebook page and extras above. Payment by e-transfer to or through links on this page. Payment plans available as well. (-:
The Nourished Mama Project!
To your peace and joy and inner strength beautiful mama .. xo, Dr. Monika