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Calm Mom Mindfulness Circle: from Frazzled to Free

 This 8 Week Mindfulness training course is for you mom if you are ready to live motherhood with intent and make your peace of mind and happiness a priority. If mama ain't happy nobody is happy. There's so much we bend over backwards to give our children but everything pales compared to the gift of our own well-being and presence and joy. Motherhood isn't necessary the time for an on-the-cushion lengthy meditation practice - its more like a 24 hour spiritual bootcamp! Simple changes make huge differences and taking time-out to recharge with like minded mamas nourishes the whole family. 

You will learn and practice simple mindfulness exercises  and breathing techniques that can increase your patience, raise your happiness set point, decrease stress/anxiety and basically bring back that fun-loving, light hearted you! Each week you will integrate another one of the 8 Pillars of Peace into your home life so that after the 8 Weeks you have a solid foundation to continue to thrive from. This course is designed with the needs of parents with children birth to 14 years old in mind but all parents are welcome.