Healthy Snack Ideas & Chia Chip Recipe

My Snack Standbys:

Hummus with carrots, peppers, apples, rice cakes with canned salmon and mayo, goat cheese,  raw cheese, yoghurt with berries, fruit, almond butter and coconut oil on rice sourdough/coconut flour toast, raw food goodies, olives, smoothies, pickled beets, nut muffins, savoury seaweed, Mary’s crackers, avocado, nut balls, nut thin crackers, smoothie, miso soup, cup of bone broth. 

I like finding new healthy snacks ... welcome Chia Chips! Now you may have noticed that Chia (remember chia pets!) is back and is hanging with the cool, trendy, health-giving kids on the block - hemp seeds, raw chocolate, gogi berries, kale chips, sprouted grains...  

I found this chia chip recipe

 Chia Chip Recipe 

1 cup coarsely chopped carrot

1 cup coarsely chopped celery

1 cup chopped red pepper

1/4 cup chopped red onion

1/3 cup chopped parsley

1 tsp dried basil

1/2 tsp dried oregano

2 Tbsp lemon juice

1/4 tsp pink himalayan salt (or sea salt)

1 cup of chia seeds

Combine all ingredients except the chia in Vitamix or food processor. Pour smooth mixture into a bowl and combine with chia seeds. Mix until chia seeds are evenly coated. Spread the mixture, a spoonful at a time, into thin circles on a dehydrator sheet or cookie sheet. Dehydrate at 115 degrees for 4 hours or bake in the oven at the lowest temperature possible until crispy.


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