The "why I am telling you all my favorites!?" shopping list - I'll have to stock up early I guess!

2018  Top Twelve at Nutters/Healthfood Store List:    

1. St. Francis Herb Farm's Coconut Oil /Ghee - a great oil to use if you're heating/frying something up. It won't go rancid at the high temperatures like olive oil does. 

2. Nut-thins  - yummy crackers made from pecans, almonds...

 3. Stir-fry Organic Bison - comes frozen and is already cut up. Super easy! 

4. Nutritional Yeast - tasty on kale chips, popcorn, tofu melt

5. Greek Honey and Greek Plain Yoghurts - organic. This is the organic version of the thick Liberte yoghurts - thick and creamy and amazing. If you're ok with yoghurt you have to try this it! We often buy the plain one and add honey in ourselves. 

6. Essential Oil Blends by Blaine Andrusek - the anti-inflammatory oil is great.

7. Namaste Foods Waffle and Pancake Mix - gluten free yummy mix. Namaste has a whole gluten-free product line. The muffins are good with banana added. 

8. Agar Agar - nice for making pie fillings or healthy jello, high in calcium.

9. Happy Planet Soup Mixes for that busy day - the Curry Coconut one is tasty but too spicy for kids.

10. Almond Milk - large containers now available of unsweetened, vanilla almond milk.  

11. Frozen Wheat Grass - so easy to add to a smoothie or glass of water.

12. Sauerkraut - just add a bit to a meal to support healthy digestion (-:


And of course fill your cart up with every color of the rainbow! Kale, garlic, beets (to grate fresh on your food), red and orange peppers, carrots, chard .... Yum! xo


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