Fairy Fridays: Common Forest Herb for Cuts, Swellings and Bites
Plantain is a really common roadside weed - I usually find it amongst the "weeds" found along the side of the road. They can grow in the most dusty conditions and this is the one you might see coming through the cracks in the sidewalk.
Loving Nature.
At last week's Fairy Friday our forest and river adventures left us with some scrapes and a couple mosquito bites. We found some Plantain leaves and I taught the girls to chew the leaf and then put it on the wound. These 4 and 5 year olds are so adventurous - I love their spirits! After putting the mush on, a bandage/clean cotton is wrapped around it so you can go about your business while this little herb poultice works on the inflammation and supports healing. Changing the poultice and reapplying more keeps it fresh and its potency up. So easy!