Rituals for the Start of School - Have any? Part I

It's never too late to start a ritual for the beginning of a new school year.

Some families/schools in Europe still continue the age-old  tradition of a creating and giving a paper cone filled with school supplies/something extra special to be given to children their first day of entering school in grade 1. Many North American Waldorf Schools - its roots in Europe with Rudolf Steiner - continue this tradition. And if it jives, you can do it too (!) or let it inspire you to create something/do something special to mark the day .

You can put whatever you'd like in the cones and can surprise your child with it waiting on his bed on his return from school or in the morning - I prefer the afternoon because there's frankly enough excitement before school - especially for those who have had a wake-up as you like type of summer. 0-:  I put some beautiful wool in there last year as I knew knitting was in the curriculum, gorgeous pencil crayons(the both love drawing), a toy, paints, fancy paper, pencil sharpener - nothing earth shattering but the ritual of it was nice partly because it was a surprise and partly because I had made the cone specially for each of them and I think they could feel the care and liked that we marked this day with a little treat.


This year my daughter is really excited about Fairies  - she has a magic wand - her Journey Wand - that is missing a bead on the top - I think the Fairies may find it and gift her with a special stone on her wand for her grade 2 journey of learning, adventure, magic, fun and friendship … hmmm…now have to think of something simple and special to mark the start of grade 5 for my 10 year old …. 1 week to go! (-:  How do you mark the beginning? Lunch at a restaurant, special dinner, special breakfast …on the next post I'll share another tradition that Jill got us started on...

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