Glue-Gun Burn 101 : Some Naturopathic Tips For My Creative Crafty Diva Daugher
Sometimes just doing some good ol' hydrotherapy (cool running water) is enough and my daughter is rushing back to finish her craft but this last weekend the burn was worse than in the past - second degree burn as evidenced by the blister that formed and it hurt. 😕
Here's some things we have on hand or that have helped for minor burns (usually they are finger burns in our home) that happen either from helping in the kitchen or ... getting crafty with the glue gun.
Cold water to start for 1 minute and then switch to a warmer temperature - cool to slightly warm even is the latest recommendation.
A dose of Arnica 30 CH and a couple sprays of Rescue Remedy all around to help with the shock of it and keep mama and child grounded and calm.
In general homeopathic remedies for minor first aid has sped up healing, been effective at decreasing pain and has made it possible for us to really minimize the number of pharmaceuticals we've had to give our kids. They have been very effective for us for everything from teething to flus to ... well ... burns ... our topic today.
I recommend keeping a vial of Arnica 30 CH in your bag/purse and car and it easily hits the top of the list of the homeopathics used in childhood.
Here are three burn remedies we keep at home (by the stove actually) and make sure to bring with us camping. These same remedies help with sunburns as well and served us very well on our trip to Hawaii where we all got too much Sun!
Cantharis 30CH - pain feels raw and is made better with cold
Causticum 30CH - burning type pain with restlessness emotionally - ‘why did this happen to me’ kind of feeling
Urtica urens 30CH - this one I think of if there looks like a blister is forming.
Basic Tips
Lightly wrapping the burn helps as sometimes even the air aggravates it.
Raising the hand up above the heart has (both times we tried it) decreased the pain immediately.
A good quality Lavender essential oil is the item I reach for and put a drop on the burn. This has anti-septic properties to help prevent infection, can decrease the pain and helps with scarring. We use Lavender for so many things that my kids say, "Lavender is good for everything mom!"