Replenish Your Energy and Claim Some Calm With This Simple Mindfulness Technique

For those of you feeling a bit pooped from late nights and go-go during the holidays or just general busyness here's a link to my favourite, super short yoga nidra.

Yoga nidra translates to yoga sleep. These simple, guided meditations that you do lying down or in a chair help you recharge and at the same time rewire your brain to the positive change you desire in terms of your health, life and relationships.

Some people say that 30 minutes of yoga nidra has the restorative impact of 4 hours of sleep! They are referring to the ultra restorative effect that being in these lower brain wave states (that normally you only access during actual sleep) has on the body and mind. 11 hours of yoga nidra has been shown to create positive changes in the brain itself as viewed by before and after MRIs.

Pretty powerful stuff! Here’s one for you:


xo, Dr. Monika

* To keep in the loop of group yoga nidra classes in Canmore and as part of retreats like our facebook page Open To Wellness Canmore …

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