Finding Beauty in Life's Moments Is In Our Hands


Looking for and finding the beauty in days and moments helps me in times like this ...

Fear and worry have hardening, contracting qualities and making a point to notice beauty in all ways is one of my wellness practices at this time of uncertainty and increased global anxiety.

Yesterday my son was having a headache for the first time ever and was lying on the couch trying to relax and sleep. I was sitting on another couch reading and out of the corner of my eye saw my daughter place a blanket over him ever so tenderly it melted my heart. I felt my body soften and relax at taking in the sweet beauty of that moment.

Today I was also thinking about all the conscious hand-washing that's happening globally and the power and simple beauty of our hands to hold and heal and connect and create and share. 

All the amazing ways we bring joy and kindness and care through our simple lovely hands. At yoga yesterday a.m. Lydia talked about how washing our hands is how we are caring for each other in our earth family. I think this is a sweet energy to bring to our hand washing.

These messages help our nervous systems and those of our children as they are nourished by a sense of caring and togetherness, warmth and kindness.  Feeling our connection and empowerment is good for our well-being right now.

We can imagine that in some ways someone in Europe is washing her hands to care for you today and we wash our hands this afternoon to care for someone's elderly grandma across the country.

.By caring for ourself we also care for our friends and family, our community and our world and this simple act of hand washing holds this truth.

My water is our water, my air is our air, my ground is our ground.  Our interconnectedness feels so tangible these days - it's not a new thing of course but our awareness of it is increased right now.

There is beauty in just that that I am letting nourish me ...

Be well and know that if you look for beauty either you will find it or it will find you! (-:

xo, Dr. Monika


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