HOME COLD & FLU SUPPORT: Warming Sock Hydrotherapy Treatment for Cold Bustin' Brilliance
It works, it's natural, it costs nothing!
Warming Socks are right up there in my top 5 list of cold bustin' home remedies. This ol' time home remedy has helped myself and my family countless times to get us back on our feet faster. It helps us sleep better when we are sick and congested, and helps our bodies move through a fever more efficiently and with greater comfort!
Between the socks and homeopathic remedies we have never needed to take Ibuprofen or Tylenol for a fever - the warming sock treatment alone has worked like a charm! 👍🙂
Why do it?
Warming Socks promote healing by directly activating the immune system. If you do it early (first sign of run down) you can stop many illnesses in their tracks. It is in the category of treatments known as "hydrotherapy". If you have ever went from a hot tub/sauna to a roll in the snow or alternated cold and hot packs over an injury you have used hydrotherapy (which basically translates to water therapy).
Fevers are good, it’s your body heating things up inside to kill viruses/bacteria. Keeping a fever at a healthy high level helps your immune system do its job of getting you better best. A high fever can be uncomfortable - making it hard to sleep, etc - what is wonderful about this treatment is that it increases the comfort of being at a high end fever without suppressing the fever. The action through the hydrotherapy on the feet has the effect of distributing the heat throughout the body allowing the fever to be much more comfortable and allowing for better sleep as the heavy congestion in the head is lessened. PS - Since we are talking about fevers want to remind you that most important in the case of fevers is to stay hydrated —-nix the food and focus on broths, teas, fluids. The possibility of febrile seizures scares parents - these happen when the temperature changes are large and very quick not a high fever in and of itself. Although they are yucky to have happen they do not cause any lasting damage at all.
This treatment supports healthy lymphatic drainage and blood circulation key to optimizing a body’s immune response. The lymphatic system is a key component to our immune system and overall wellness. It is like the body's sewer system taking care of the body's waste products. Supporting the lymphatic system is a big help in getting you through an illness (viral or bacterial) with more ease.
Has been effective for not only colds, flus and fevers but also sore throats, earaches, headaches, sinus congestion, teething pains, insomnia.
How to do it ...
You'll need:
Cotton socks
Wool socks (minimum 75% wool)
Step 1: Make sure your body and feet are warm first. Sometimes during a fever or the other applications listed above the feet are not warm - if that is the case put your feet in a warm foot bath first to warm them up and then proceed with doing the treatment.
Step 2: Wet cotton socks to ankle height in cool tap water and wring out till damp.
Step 3: Put the damp socks on warm feet, cover with wool socks(one or two pairs if needed - you want it to be snug with the cotton socks fully covered).
Step 4: Go to bed and sleep tight. The socks will be dry by morning and sometimes - as in the case of a fever - they will be dry sooner. If that’s the case and fever/congestion is still present repeat again and as often as is needed.
When the kids were younger we would never leave on an overnight trip without our wool socks!
Are you a parent who is interested in looking after your family’s health naturally and holistically? Me too! My children are teens now so the acute illnesses are less but I still use natural remedies with them —- and they even ask for the warming sock treatment when they have a fever!
Do come in to the clinic if you have any questions on how to support yourself or your children physically but also mentally and emotionally. I have over the last 24 years completed several trainings in early childhood and have ways to assess all levels of health. I would be happy to share what I have learned to support the thriving of your family and home life. Parenting is a huge role and responsibility and you weren’t meant to go it alone! xo Warmly, Dr. Monika