Hormone Savvy Exercise + Nutrition: My Favourite 12 Week Program for Women

For me, the (what's going on?) hormonal and metabolic shifts in my body began peri-menopausally. I was a mom of two, moving through a challenging time in my life (including an accident and a divorce) and got to experience first hand the effect of stress and poor sleep on my hormonal symphony and my overall well-being. Sleep, energy, appetite, cravings, mood, digestion and weight gain in new places.

This journey ushered in so much growth from the inside out and outside in for me. It really was (and is) a process of discovery and shift to prioritizing my connection, my listening to and my care for myself. My default (as with many women I work with) has been to have my first attention on others. Work in progress! ✨

One of the areas I made life changes in was in how I exercised. The longer runs weren't creating health and balance for me anymore and anything that had an extended pushing/forcing energy wasn't working either.

In general I prefer enjoying the way I bring movement into my life - sports, dog walks, yoga, hikes, run/bike with friends, dancing … so the shift in general was to doing more of the things that felt wonderful, joyful, nourishing and to not overdo.

In this process of finding movement that worked for me I found some HIIT classes that I liked but there was no order to when I worked upper/lower body, etc. and I felt like I needed something more organized. I found Dr. Jade Teta’s 12 week program and it made sense to me right away. I loved how it was doable right from the start - 15 minutes 2-3 days per week for the workout part and it had options to use weights which I was craving. It wasn’t based on the male metabolism, it didn’t gloss over addressing how exercise impacts cortisol (hormone that acts as stress manager) and the key role adrenal glands and good nutrition plays in women’s health and metabolism.👌 Dr. Jade is an ND too as well as a Personal Trainer and I was impressed with how thorough yet how user friendly this program was. It was something I could commit to and recommend to friends and clients with confidence because it teaches you how to customize it to where you are at hormonally and it is self-paced (being a rest based approach you are checking in with yourself and resting as needed throughout it.)

This program is something to consider for yourself if you like simplicity and a little structure, would like to understand hormones more clearly and what that means in terms of your exercise and nutrition (you'll find out which hormone type you are and get recipe suggestions based on that hormone type that are healthy, easy and tasty) and your time/desire for working out is on the low end.🙌

My affiliate link to check out the program (which is called Metabolic Renewal) is https://bit.ly/3tfKBiG It is such exceptional value - I recommend starting with the $37 USD option. It’s all I’ve needed for the last 3 years - I just have kept cycling through the 12 week program starting back at the beginning adding/adjusting weights (and adding my own music!) as I like each time.

I hope this helps you feel your best and takes out the frustration and confusion of past health efforts ! 😊

Over the years so many women come to me ‘doing all the right things’ but not feeling the benefit they’d anticipate . A woman’s body is sooo different than a man’s but the standard paradigm of fitness has not taken this into account (yet!). Eating less and exercising more will not work for most women when the hormones aren’t addressed properly. Every woman has her own journey of well-being but understanding hormones is a key part for each of us and even without the workouts this program does a great job of making our amazing changing bodies understandable for women of all ages and stages.

Any questions reach out ! (403) 609-8385

xo, Dr.Monika 🦋

Are you a woman who is a changemaker, teacher, healer, mother or coach whose energy is focussed on supporting others to thrive? Is it easier for you to care for others than yourself at the deepest level? Do you have dreams you aren’t realizing yet?

I. am . here. to. support .you! ♥️I am a naturopathic doctor, intuitive creative and health and happiness life coach with training in feminine power facilitation for awakening women. I work holistically with caring, wise women like yourself so you can lead from within and do the beautiful, powerful work you are here to do while feeling your absolute best physically, mentally and emotionally.

We can’t become our full self by ourself . I am here to support you in recharging and reseting and fostering an unshakeable connection with your truest self so you can share your unique gifts and shine your light with joy and without burning out. My intention is that you live with a level of health, calm, confidence and vitality that allows you to stay aligned with your true north and create a life YOU are so proud of and nourished by. I am deeply grateful for what you do and who you are! 👑


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