Wheel of Life: One of My Top 3 Favourite Life Coaching Tools for Clarity

Your health impacts everything in your life.


Is this your experience too?

As part of the wellness/life coaching I do with clients who are wanting to make significant changes in their health/life I find great value in taking them through an exercise called the Wheel of Life review.

It doesn’t take long to complete (2-15 minutes) and gives us a very useful big picture snapshot of a client’s life and his/her relationship to all the aspects of his/her life.

Health, Family, Friends, Work, Parenting, Personal Growth, Home Environment, Hobbies, Finances, Relationship, Spirituality are common components that go into someone’s Wheel of Life.

As a naturopathic doctor, supporting someone who is optimizing their health is rooted in creating changes in day-to-day life and aligning with what’s most truly deeply important to them.

Our daily habits in thought, word and action usher us towards or away from our health and life goals.

The Wheel of Life exercise creates a lot of clarity in 3 common ways:

1. Gives us the big picture of where there is stress and the degree of stress that is currently being experienced. Addressing stress is key in aging well, having a healthy metabolism and hormone balance, digestive and immune health, and mental and emotional optimization.

2. Lets us easily uncover what is going well for them in their different areas of their life which can be insightful and helpful and provide momentum for next steps.

3. Provides us with a chance to get very real and specific about what they do want.

To start we generally focus on 1 of the 6-8 areas that make up their life and flesh out what success or satisfaction in that area would look like for them.

75 % of the time they pick the Health area to start with which makes sense as often a health concern brought them into my office. However sometimes seeing their life laid out in this way gives a brand new perspective. They realize that another area of their life is actually where change needs to start as it is impacting all the other areas including their health.

This is where the rubber hits the road in terms of creating meaningful change.

Seeing the whole picture and then getting clarity on what they don’t and more importantly DO want is enlightening and empowering!

To the truest, most beautiful vision you hold for yourself! xo, Dr. Monika

Monika Herwig + Feminine Power + Conscious Parenting + Life Coach

Can I support you in creating the truest, most beautiful vision you have for yourself at this time?

To work with me 1-on-1 through my naturopathic wellness & life coaching practice that uses healing modalities and practices to support your health and expansion you can book online through the booking link at the top of the page or through the office at (403) 609-8385.

I also co-facilitate yearly yummy women’s restorative wellness retreats for conscious women who love nature and are wanting to live meaningful joy filled lives - to live from their center and power and joy. If you would enjoy a week of deep connection and replenishment and honoring of the gifts of the feminine (dance, art, healthy fresh food, yoga, reflection, ritual, nature, rest) join us. The next one is at the Xinalani Eco Yoga Resort in Mexico November 14-21, 2020. Retreats@opentowellness.ca for more information or to straight up register ($500 USD deposit)!

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