The (To Me Beautiful) 6 Principles That Inform Naturopathic Medicine & Care

Naturopathic doctors go through a 4 year naturopathic medical training post pre-med/an undergraduate degree. Patients often report having different experiences with different naturopaths - with some including acupuncture, hydrotherapy, mindfulness, nutrition or yoga therapy in a session like me and others including chiropractic, herbs and homeopathy and maybe another focusing on IV therapies and prolotherapy injections.

Here’s the thing: we all have been trained (and continue to train and upgrade) in many holistic therapies but over time and years of practice practitioners focus more or less on some adjunct therapies or conditions than others. What DOES bring us together - aside from our base 4 year training and examinations- are 6 principles that inform our work.

The principles of naturopathic medicine are to me - beautiful - they reflect a deep respect for the body’s wisdom and a commitment to nurturing vibrant, lasting health. They guide myself and my colleagues in creating care that empowers, inspires, and heals!✨

1. First, Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere)

  • Healing begins with creating a compassionate container of healing - a growth-oriented partnership between doctor and patient.. Naturopathic medicine uses safe, gentle therapies that support the body’s healing process while minimizing risks and avoiding unnecessary interventions.

2. The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae)

  • The body is designed to heal. Naturopathic medicine works in harmony with this innate ability, supporting natural processes to restore health and balance.

3. Identify and Treat the Root Cause (Tolle Causam)

  • Lasting wellness comes from addressing the source of illness, not just managing symptoms. By uncovering root causes—whether physical, emotional, or environmental—naturopathic care promotes true healing.

4. Doctor as Teacher (Docere)

  • Knowledge is power. A naturopathic doctor’s role is to educate and inspire, helping patients understand their health and equipping them to make informed, confident choices about their well-being.

5. Treat the Whole Person

  • Health is about more than just the body. Naturopathic medicine embraces the intricate connection between mind, body, spirit, and environment, tailoring care to each person’s unique story and needs.

6. Prevention is the Best Cure

  • True health is built on a strong foundation. By focusing on prevention—through lifestyle, nutrition, and early intervention—naturopathic medicine helps protect against illness and fosters long-term vitality.

What I love is that these principles honor the beauty and resilience of the human body, mind, and spirit!

I find that they reflect a vision of health care that not only heals but uplifts, empowering individuals to thrive in every area of their lives. After 25 years I still find them super helpful in supporting me practice in a way that honours what I find true and important.

Do these resonate with you? Maybe some more than others?

If they do chances are high that you will LOVE having a naturopathic doctor as part of your wellness team.🥳

To work with me in person or online the first step is to fill out an intake form and book in a time that works for both our schedules through the Jane booking app on my website.

Looking forward to supporting you to move into true thriving in your life and to feel empowered in your health!

xo, Dr. Monika 🦋 (403) 609-8385