Jelly beans on Fish! The Power of Play ...

Today before lunch there was a fair bit of push-pulling happening between Solana and I. We had a full week and let all our daily rhythm go. There was no order - I was answering emails. Dancing with her. Doing laundry. Looking at her newsiest creations in her journal. Trying to complete something - anything on my list. Snuggling with her.

She seemed to be needing a  lot and was clinging on me, climbing on me, trying to get me out of my heady to do list and into her world - this moment now. It was hard to get the chores done. I was getting tired of my "no's" but felt blocked about shifting out of it.

 "Let's make lunch together," I offered up  hoping to engage her into something we could work on together.  "OK, let's have jelly beans. "  she said matter of factly.

"No sweetie we're making salad and fish. You may make that salad dressing you liked making yesterday while I prepare the salmon. "  Normally "may" works but no way not this time. "I want jelly beans."   I was feeling irritated and in need of some space.

Then from the ethers came the internal question, "What can I say yes to?" I took a breath and a step back - looked at the salmon I was preparing to put into the oven and heard myself say out loud, "Yes, we can have jelly beans, bring them here I have an idea."

The energy completely shifted right then and there. We put the jelly beans on top of each of the lemon slices and had a great giggle together. She went to the table and prepared the salad dressing and we enjoyed a very interesting lunch!


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