CLEAR: Clean Your Liver this January For Energy, Hormonal Balance and Healthy Metabolism
As New Year approaches and we reflect on the year past and feel inspired to start anew or refresh some intentions for the upcoming year I wanted to share some insight for those of you wanting to feel better - especially those of you who are committed to your health and yet gain weight (especially abdominally) and don’t feel as good as you’d like even though you exercise and eat well.
Hormonal balance including the weight gain piece doesn't respond to the eat less, exercise more strategy - in fact it can make things worse. Gut health is key to all health in the body and most people are aware of this but what I find less people realize is the role of the adrenal glands and the liver in having a healthy metabolism and feeling your best.
Liver isn't usually thought of when you think about improving metabolism or losing weight but it one of the key players - some say THE key player. The good news is that the liver is an amazing regenerative organ which means that even if yours is in poor shape it can return to its prime. A healthy liver is better at burning fat and … wait … can we just talk up the liver for a bit here? Just a couple accolades ….
Seriously, the liver. is. amazing. and deserves our appreciation (I think). But how to send it a smile or mental high 5 when we don’t know where it is? Let’s start there as it’s common for people to not know where their liver is. Your beloved liver is on your right side under your ribs. (Now is when you send it a smile and your thanks). (-; It is the largest gland in the body and the largest internal organ and does over 500 things for your daily. On average it weighs 3.5 pds.
Some of its functions: it regulates hormones and blood sugar, it cleans the blood, it processes everything you take in, it's the hub through which energy flows, i.e energy is stored and used. The great news is that healing your liver takes weeks/months not years. When your liver is unhealthy you tend to store energy as fat, especially through the midsection. Bonus: When it’s healthy, irritability leaves you as does PMS and your skin and eyes glow with vitality!!
Key pieces naturopathically to address in getting the liver healthy:
Make sure that the body is taking in the specific nutrients needed for the liver’s pathways to work efficiently and effectively. The amino acids are key in this (therefore proteins) as are the B vitamins and Magnesium and Glutathione.
Address whatever seems to be putting an extra load on the liver. Minimizing the load the liver has to deal with comes through decreasing toxin exposure in home and bath/cosmetics, improving gut health(addressing food sensitivities and optimizing diet). Sometimes toxins are stored in the fat and the body holds onto them for good reason so as not to release them and negatively impact the rest of the system. Getting the liver in great shape and addressing the toxins with nutraceuticals that bind it helps restore the whole body to better balance.
Support the health and healing of the liver with botanical medicines that have stood the test of time in this area.
Hope this helps you see that there’s more to your metabolism than genetics, food and exercise and feel some affection for your hardworking liver!
Looking to get started on this but have no time to come in or do a bunch of research on a good liver support? Gotcha covered. Here’s a link to a simple, well-supported with recipes 10 day liver detox kit from the company Metagenics that’s been a leader in the field of nutrition for over 20 years. Shipping is free and with the first online order you receive 20% off.
To your radiant health! xo, Dr. Monika
Would you like some one-on-one support/health coaching? Dr. Monika Herwig ND is a naturopathic doctor and mother of 2 who has been practicing in the Rocky Mountains of Canmore Alberta for over 20 years and is available to support you with your health and life goals from a holistic perspective.
Call (403) 609-8385 to book in with the clinic at a time that works for you. She see clients on as as needed basis but also offers 3 month naturopathic coaching programs such as one on resetting metabolism where she addresses the lesser talked about foundations of a healthy metabolism with you so foundations are set and change becomes more sustainable.
Dr. Monika and her team hold restorative wellness retreats for women internationally to connect women to themselves and their creativity and joy and to create space for them in self-heal and replenish. She supports women to share their gifts and shine their light while staying healthy and avoiding burning out in the process! Her next retreat is at Xinalni Eco Yoga Resort in Mexico November 14-21st, 2020. for info.
Xinalani ECO yoga Resort - November She Shines 2019 Restorative Retreat in Nature paradise