Soulventure? One Summer, One Chakra Grid, Seven Sacred Sites to Explore
A few Summers ago I did a self-directed tour of the Chakra Energy Grid found in the Rocky Mountains. I had learned about these energy hot spots and the grid from a book called Sacred Sites (link below) and was amazed at how perfectly named the different locations were!
Each place is such a beauty to visit and doing it with the intention around aligning the chakras brought extra magic to the hikes and time spent there. 🦋
Last Summer I went again with a group of fun loving women and we did power practices related to each chakra on site, decorating our vehicles with flowers the color of the chakras or chakra stones. It was so much fun and a very powerful experience!
Soul Venture
Car Dashboard Ready for the 3rd Stop of the Chakra Site Tour!
This blog is a work in progress - it’s available to be read as a friend wanted some info on the different sites so I am releasing a rough copy so she and you can get started if this kind of soul adventure calls to you!♥️
Chakra 1 - Athabasca Falls, Ice fields Parkway just before Jasper - 3.5 hours from Canmore
“The Passageway”
The Falls are beautiful and strong but the power and felt potency of this place goes far beyond the Falls. We felt this when we explored the canyon walls and passageways, river and little beach there. The passages almost look like a birth canal and womb! Definitely a great place to tap into the energy of the root chakra. The color for the root chakra is red so you could bring a gemstone that had red in it to bury there in the earth while you walked around to bring the energy back with you. The gemstone Red Jasper would be a fun choice since these Falls are just outside of the town of Jasper!
Chakra 2 - Bow Falls, Banff, Alberta
“Feeling it!!”
These Falls span a large distance and are right in the midst of the world-renowned town of Banff. The second chakra is all about flow and sensuality and being in the world in an embodied way. You’ll feel the spray in some locations and there’s some areas further down that you can walk to down from the Falls that have a calm flowing energy.
Chakra 3 - Peyto Lake, Ice fields Parkway
“ I. am. here.”
It is striking to see this lake. The color is so rich and vibrant. The lookout for the lake is a short, easy hike from the parking lot. Our third chakra is at our solar plexus and is around standing in and claiming our power to live from our center and meet whatever life brings us. When you are standing at the lookout you can be inspired by this and feel how connecting to the expanse of the space around you in all directions brings you into the center of yourself. Breathe and take in your ability to be in your power. This center brings on our brave.
Think of a time when you were fully in your brave, what is the name of your inner goddess warrior Self … awaken her here!
Stand and live in your center sistah … powerful chakra!
Chakra 4 - Lake Louise, Alberta
“I am deeply loved.”
“May all beings be held in loving kindness.”
The waters are infused with powdered quartz and the bottom of the lake is a bed of amethyst. (Crazy good right?!) Archangel Micheal’s ‘earthly abode’ is said to rest here. I have met people who have moved from Europe to this area just for this reason. Most locals do not know about the sacredness of these places but the rest of the world seems to!
Archangel Michael’s energy is one of strength- this is the Archangel with the sword of light. His energy here at the Heart Chakra allows us the protection we might feel like we need to be able to open our heart and live whole heartedly with discernment and joy.
Being at Lake Louise you can not NOT feel the magic. When I go, I like to venture around and find cozy places to rest and be held by the land - a mossy rock or stump.
Bringing gem stones and dipping them in the water (green stones and pink rose quartz stones are some heart chakra stones), splashing your face with the water or just going for it and taking a quick dip (the photo below is from a warm Fall day — it was refreshing let’s just say! 🤸♂️) are just a few of the possibilities you could create as part of your visit.
The earlier you go in the day the less busy - being there at 6 am in the Summer seems to ensure there is parking and the early morning has a stillness in itself that can be deeply nourishing.
Ask your heart, “What do I most desire in this season of my life?” Listen for the answer rather than answering with your mind …
Write yourself a love letter.
Listen. Love. Feel.
Chakra 5 - Moraine Lake, Alberta (by Lake Louise)
This lake is a truth teller. It has the feeling of ease around speaking truth and expressing self. It connects us with our expression in the world.
Singing or chanting or humming as part of your time here is most welcome.
Maybe you write a poem or the first line of your next book on these shores. There are rocks you can climb to enjoy the view. Maybe there are some things in the way or that you need to climb past to express the next thing your soul is nudging you towards. Feel that you have what it takes as you climb higher. Be a goat and let out a yodel at the top!
The world needs what you have a offer/express/share.
Chakra 6 - Emerald Lake, B.C.
Your vision. This is a place of seeing and of stepping into greater possibilities that are aligned with YOU. Your capacity to see beyond the way things are now and to look deeper in the present are invited into expansion here. With clarity comes courage.
Chakra 7 (Crown Chakra) - Lake O’Hara, Alberta
You really feel that ‘heaven is on earth’ at this place. There is so much light here held in the crystals of this location making it easy to remember our connection to something greater. This Lake is on the other side of Lake Louise and although takes more planning to get into (reservations needed for a bus that goes up there) it is worth the planning AND even if you go only to the parking lot you will feel the awesomeness. There are little hikes nearby that we have gone to to be in the energy of this place when the bus was full and that was great too!
Last time I visited I was fascinated with this mountain and was trying to figure out how to describe it and then literally laughed outloud … of course (!), this is the Down Chakra and there it is in plain site - peaks like a crown gracing the top! 🙌💕
If you are interested, here’s the link to the book that my friends shared with me that goes into all the details of these and other sacred sites! Pretty cool resource. ♥️
Update: A journal/field guide for this Soulventure is in the works and the First Edition will be ready Summer of 2021. Pop us a note if you are interested in getting your hands on one :👌🦋
Celebrating your sense of adventure and inner and outer unfolding! xo, Dr. Monika ♥️
Are you a woman who is a leader, teacher, healer, mother or coach whose energy is focussed on supporting others to thrive? Is it easier for you to care for others than yourself at the deepest level? Do you have dreams you aren’t realizing yet?
I. am . here. to. support .you! ♥️I am a naturopathic doctor, intuitive creative and health and happiness life coach with training in feminine power facilitation for awakening women. I work holistically with caring, wise women like yourself so you can lead from within and do the beautiful, powerful work you are here to do while feeling your absolute best physically, mentally and emotionally.
We can’t become our full self by ourself . I am here to support you in recharging and reseting and fostering an unshakeable connection with your truest self so you can share your unique gifts and shine your light with joy and without burning out. My intention is that you live with a level of health, calm, confidence and vitality that allows you to stay aligned with your true north and create a life YOU are so proud of and nourished by. I am deeply grateful for what you do and who you are! 👑🦋