Part 3 - Women’s Vitality Archetype #3 - Magical, Inner (Child) Creative Spark
She is KEY to truly thriving at midlife …
She has unique exquisite joyous gifts to share with the world.
She is light, loving, free spirited, playful, hilarious, ridiculous,! 💃
This key part of us has to feel cared for and safe to let herself be fully and freely herself.
She can get disappeared in our culture where work and doing is valued over play and we say lies like we’re not artistic or can’t dance or sing. Our essence is creative in our unique way and expression.
Without space for her our life loses its richness and magic and the joy of being.
To experience our full health and vitality we need to make time and space for her to express.
This part is connected to the wonder of life and effortlessly enjoys the here and now and the joy of nature and of connection. We need her if we are to truly thrive.! 😍 Her playfulness, creativity, openness and love is the medicine we and the world needs.
Where does she show up in your life? How connected are you to her? Where does she feel safe to share her unique brilliance end beauty?
When we feel that spark of joy from something or someone this is her communicating with us! 🎉 She is pure magic and her connection to our Goddess is what helps her to feel safe to express her whole Self in increasing situations. 🥳
Do you resonate with this archetype? How much attention does she get and what would be possible if she felt free to shine her incredible light freely and fully?!
Understanding the archetypes and bringing them into our awareness is a fun, simple way to fast track your well-being!!!
Check out the other 3 archetypes on my insta or in my blogs - all women I share it with find something opens up with this new perspective 🙌 … I hope it supports you! xo, Dr. Monika 🦋
My magical inner child loves to play in nature with my girlfriends and create fun, retreats and events for heart-centered women who want to create a life that is infused with joy, vitality , connection and creative expression 😍
Are you a heart centred woman whose energy is often focussed on supporting others to thrive? Is it easier for you to care for others than yourself at the deepest level? Do you have dreams you aren’t realizing yet?
I. am . here. to. support .you! ♥️ I am a naturopathic doctor, mother, intuitive creative and midlife and motherhood health transformation life coach with training in feminine power facilitation for awakening women. I work holistically with caring, wise , successful women like yourself so you can lead your life from your most authentic self and continue to do the beautiful, important work you are here to do while feeling your absolute best physically, somatically, mentally and emotionally. Midlife and motherhood are my areas of expertise and specialty (and passion).
We can’t become our whole self by ourself . I am here to support you in recharging and reseting and fostering an unshakeable connection with your truest self so you can share your unique gifts and shine your light with joy, energy, confidence and without burning out. I work holistically at the physical, emotional, mental and soul levels of wellness as needed.
My intention is that you live with a level of health, calm, confidence and vitality that allows you to stay aligned with your true north and create a life YOU are so proud of and nourished by. Reach out if you would enjoy some support! (403) 609-8385 👑 Midlife Wellness Transformation Bliueprint Journey - February 14 - June 20