Supporting Detox is Essential Nowadays AND it Can Be Tasty! Meet our Tasty Cilantro Detox Pesto
“Two teaspoons of this pesto daily for three weeks increases the urinary excretion of mercury, lead and aluminum, this effectivelyremovingthese toxic metals from our bodies. A 3 week cleanse once a year is recommended.” Dr. Krista Braun ND ❤️(one of my bests from naturopathic medical school!)
This pesto can be used therapeutically support cleansing or simply a healthy pesto for when you’re in the mood for pesto.🥳
2-4 cloves of minced garlic (2 for milder version)
1/3 cup Brazil nuts (Selenium)
1/3 cup of sunflower seeds (cysteine)
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (zinc, magnesium)
2 cups packed fresh cilantro
2/3 cup flaxseed oil or olive oil
4 Tbsp lemon juice
2 tsp pulse powder (optional for a milder version)
Celtic salt to taste
Blend the cilantro and oil until the cilantro is finely chopped.
Add garlic, nuts and seeds, pulse and lemon juice and mix until the mixture is finely blended into a paste.
Add a pinch of Celtic salt to taste and blend again.
PS - a client who is a master at healthy raw cooking added a cucumber and 1/4 cup of water to this recipe and shared how much she LOVES this pesto on zucchini noodles and sometimes adds basil —- possibilities are endless! 🙌
PPS - this pesto freezes well.
Are you a heart centred woman whose energy is often focussed on supporting others to thrive? Is it easier for you to care for others than yourself at the deepest level? Do you have dreams you aren’t realizing yet?
I. am . here. to. support .you! ♥️ I am a naturopathic doctor, acupuncturist, mother, nutritionist, midlife and motherhood health transformation life coach with training in feminine power facilitation and somatics for awakening women. I work holistically with caring, wise , successful women like yourself so you can lead your life from your most authentic self and continue to do the beautiful, important work you are here to do while feeling your absolute best physically, somatically, mentally and emotionally. Midlife and motherhood are my areas of expertise and specialty (and passion! These were big portals of evolution and expansion for me and I wish I had someone who really understood these times hormonally and on all the other levels ).
We can’t become our whole self by ourself . I am here to support you in recharging and reseting and fostering an unshakeable connection with your truest self so you can share your unique gifts and shine your light with joy, energy, confidence and without burning out. I work holistically at the physical, emotional, mental and soul levels of wellness as needed.
My intention is that you live with a level of health, calm, clarity, confidence and vitality that allows you to stay aligned with your true north and create a life YOU are so proud of and nourished by. Reach out if you would enjoy some support! (403) 609-8385 👑 Midlife Wellness Transformation Blueprint Group Journey - runs yearly February 14 - June 20 but the 1-on-1 coaching of it runs all year long.
Check out the upcoming retreats - In Joy - this year’s Women’s Wellness Retreat in Mexico will undoubtedly bring you into your next level of radiance and well-being … in a way that lasts!