Anticipatory Joy's Incredible Benefits in Supporting a Thriving Feminine Physiology in Midlife Brain Health, Adrenal Health, Aging Well, Conscious Living, Creative Phase, Creative Program, Feminine Power, Healthy Mama, Hormonal Health, Inspiration, Menopause, Mental Health, Midlife, Motherhood, Natural Healing, Perimenopause, Sacred Feminine, Sacred SexualityMonika HerwigFebruary 22, 2025midlife, Midlife Wellness Essentials, women's wellness, Women's Health, Brain health, JoyComment
6 Key Ways our Bodies Can Be Consciously Supported to Find New Balance during the Peri-Menopause - Menopause Transition Photo by Yannic Läderach Read More Aging Well, Adrenal Health, Feminine Power, Healthy Mama, Hormonal Health, Menopause, Midlife, Motherhood, Natural Healing, Perimenopause, Women's Health, Yoga TherapyMonika HerwigNovember 1, 2024Peri-menopause, menopauseComment
CALM (+ ENERGY): Most Important Mineral for Women at Midlife and in Motherhood is .... Calm Program, Aging Well, Adrenal Health, Detoxification, Healthy Foundations, Healthy Mama, Hormonal Health, Menopause, Midlife, Motherhood, Nutrition, Perimenopause, Postpartum Wellness, Sleep, Sleep Support, Well Brain, Women's HealthMonika HerwigJune 17, 2024Magnesium, womens health, Womens Wellness, Motherhood, Mother's health, Healthy Hormones, Hormone BalanceComment
5 (often overlooked) Keys When Working With Beliefs As Part of the Women’s Wellness Transformation Coaching Process Conscious Living, Aging Well, Adrenal Health, Brain Health, Conscious Parenting, Feminine Power, Healthy Foundations, Healthy Mama, Mental Health, Root Cause, Sacred Feminine, Soulful Mothering, Soulventures, Well Brain, Women's Health, Yoga TherapyMonika HerwigJanuary 7, 2024life caoching, Womens Wellness, Wellness Coaching, Menopause, Peri-menopause, Adrenal Restore, Energy, Feminine Energy Essentials, feminine power, Transformation CoachComment
Yummy Healthy Brownies Healthy Kids, Healthy Mama, Healthy Recipes, Herbal Medicine, Hormonal Health, Motherhood, Nutrition, Recipes, Waldorf Mama, Women's Health, Adrenal Health, Calm ProgramMonika HerwigOctober 15, 2022recipes, gluten free, Dairyfree, DessertsComment
Taking Healing Into Your Own Hands(Literally!): The Scalar Wave Laser I Use in My Practice & At Home to Support Thriving & Accelerate Healing Aging Well, Adrenal Health, Energy Healing, Family Wellness, Hormonal Health, Women's Health, scalar wave laserMonika HerwigJuly 30, 2022Adrenal Restore, Women's Empowerment, women's wellness, Scalar Waves, cold laserComment
CALM (ADRENAL/HORMONAL) RESET PHASE: THE NUTRITIONAL SHIFTS THAT ARE KEY FOR HEALTHY HORMONES Calm Program, Aging Well, Adrenal Health, Conscious Living, Family Wellness, Healthy Foundations, Healthy Kids, Healthy Mama, Hormonal Health, Mental Health, Motherhood, Naturopathic Foundations, Nutrition, Postpartum Wellness, Well Brain, Women's HealthMonika HerwigJuly 21, 2022good oils, Nutrition Tips, Seed oils, Fats, Metabolic Reset, Wom, Nutrition, ghee, Dairyfree, PMS, ferility, low libido, Adrenal Reset, Adrenal Health, Adrenal RestoreComment
CALM (ADRENAL/HORMONES) REPAIR PHASE: USING LIGHT TO OPTIMIZE YOUR SLEEP, MOOD, METABOLISM + ENERGY Adrenal Health, Calm Program, Family Wellness, Healthy Foundations, Healthy Mama, Hormonal Health, Mental Health, Motherhood, Naturopathic Foundations, Nutrition, Postpartum Wellness, Well Brain, Women's Health, SleepMonika HerwigJuly 17, 2022Sleep, Adrenal Health, Adrenal Reset, hormone health, women's wellness, Weight loss, Metabolic Reset, Metabolism, Calm, Calm ProgramComment
CALM: BENEFITS OF COLD IMMERSION ON WOMEN'S OVERALL HEALTH FROM SLEEP TO MOOD TO METABOLISM Calm Program, Aging Well, Adrenal Health, Healthy Foundations, Hormonal Health, Mental Health, Naturopathic Foundations, Well Brain, Women's Health, Sleep SupportMonika HerwigJuly 17, 2022Calm, Mental Health, Women's Empowerment, hydrotherapy, cold water, immune health, wim hofComment
Yoga Therapy Body Psychology: What Makes This So Effective In Supporting Healing + Transformation in Women Adrenal Health, Calm Program, Brain Health, Aging Well, Conscious Parenting, Energy Healing, Family Wellness, Hormonal Health, Sacred Feminine, Yoga TherapyMonika HerwigMarch 7, 2022yoga therapy, body psychology, bliss to burnout, Adrenal Restore, adrenal health, hormone health, TransformationComment
Hormonal Health Affects Everything: Mood, Energy, Cravings, Sex Drive, Where We Put on Weight Calm Program, Adrenal Health, Feminine Power, Healthy Mama, Hormonal Health, Postpartum Wellness, Women's HealthMonika HerwigJanuary 6, 2021Adrenal Restore, Metabolic Reset, Healthy Hormones, Peri-menopause, Menopause, PubertyComment
Homeopathics to Support Hormonal Metabolic Changes Healthy Mama, Hormonal Health, Women's Health, Aging Well, Adrenal HealthMonika HerwigOctober 21, 2020Women's Health, Metabolic ResetComment
CALM: My Favourite Natural Sleep Blends to Help You Wake Refreshed Photo credit kudos to Kate Stone Matheson! Read More Calm Program, Healthy Kids, Healthy Mama, Herbal Medicine, Mental Health, Motherhood, Well Brain, Yoga Therapy, Women's Health, Aging Well, Adrenal Health, Brain HealthMonika HerwigSeptember 28, 2020Women's Health, Sleep, Sleep blends, Adrenal HealthComment
Mental Health Wellness Tips For Quarantine And Any Time Of Uncertainty Adrenal Health, Family Wellness, Mental Health, Brain Health, Soulful Mothering, Simplicity Parenting, InspirationMonika HerwigApril 5, 2020Mental Health, Motherhood, Simplicity, Brain health, Transitions, Family WellnessComment
PHASE 2 CALM: ASSESS YOUR STRESS ADRENAL HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE Calm Program, Adrenal Health, Healthy Foundations, Healthy MamaMonika HerwigMarch 31, 2020Adrenal Restore, Adrenal Health, Calm, Stress AssessmentComment
Winter Recipe: Making Immune Boosting Gut Healing Broth in the Instant-Pot Adrenal Health, Healthy Kids, Healthy Mama, Nutrition, Postpartum Wellness, Recipes, Women's Health, Herbal MedicineMonika HerwigFebruary 5, 2020Recipes, Winter Soup, Motherhood, Healthy Gut, Immune Soup, Instant-Pot, Bone BrothComment
CALM: Cycle Tracking Sheet and How To Basics Adrenal Health, Conscious Parenting, Family Wellness, Healthy Mama, Motherhood, Parenthood, Waldorf Mama, Women's HealthMonika HerwigDecember 14, 2019Adrenal Health, Women's Health, Menstrual Cycle, Energy, Clarity, Women's Empowerment, Feminine Energy EssentialsComment
3 Simple Ways to Help Raise Healthy & Happy People Who Want to Come Home for Thanksgiving Early Childhood Birth - 7, Family Wellness, Conscious Parenting, Adrenal Health, Healthy Foundations, Healthy Kids, Healthy Mama, Motherhood, Parenthood, Women's Health, Well BrainMonika HerwigMay 31, 2019Retreats, womens health, self care, self-compassion, Women's retreatsComment
Looking At The Full Thyroid Lab Picture Adrenal Health, Healthy Mama, Women's HealthMonika HerwigMay 4, 2019Thyroid, womens health, optimal health, health, healthy familiesComment
CALM: Menstrual Awareness as a Game changer for Energy, Clarity, Calm & Women's Wellness: Link to Tracker Adrenal Health, Conscious Parenting, Family Wellness, Healthy Mama, Motherhood, Parenthood, Waldorf Mama, Women's HealthMonika HerwigMarch 16, 2019Adrenal Health, Women's Health, Menstrual Cycle, Energy, Clarity, Women's Empowerment, Feminine Energy EssentialsComment